

Reasons to consider a Vocational assessment:

  • Individuals who are unable to return to work

  • Individuals who are in the process of a career change

  • Individuals who are unsure of what career they want to pursue

What is a Vocational assessment?

Vocational assessment is the process of determining an individual’s interests, abilities, aptitudes and skills to identify vocational strengths, needs and career potential.

The following may be assessed as part of a comprehensive vocational assessment:

• History, education, employment, background, etc.

• Psychosocial strengths and weaknesses

• Literacy

• Abilities/aptitudes

• Generic work behaviors (social, communication, etc.)

• Job seeking skills

• Job readiness

• Motivation

• Self-esteem

• Social and communication skills

The evaluation results in a detailed report, with specific, individualized recommendations to support employment success.